Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Paris day 1

Friday 24th
Early hours of Friday morning we have a layover of a two hours. Thankfully enough time to find our next departure gate and time to spare.  We hop onto our last flight for some months. It is only and hour and 40 mins, but it was 45 mins leaving. We arrive in France mid afternoon. We have lost a few hours crossing time lines.  We gather our luggage and head for the taxis to go to our next lodgings.  Our driver is quite animated with the traffic,  and I think it is a good thing we don't know to much French, as after one outburst,  he asks of we speak French. We get to our  motel,  and it looks a bit ummmm, ordinary, shall I say. We go in,  check in,  find our room,  and take in our surroundings. Yep, it's small, it has the smallest lift I have ever been in.  Bob had to make two trips to get our suitcases to our room. But really,  all we need is somewhere to sleep.  After some catch up sleep,  we venture out for a walk. Turns out, our room is only 500 mtrs away form one of the major landmarks of Paris, the Arc de Triomphe. And just a few streets away from one of the most desirable shopping areas,  Champs Elise. We take a selfie at the Arc de Triomphe and then have something to eat and head back to the room for sleep.

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