Monday 25th, November 2019
So today we take the car to the Renault dealer, and wait for a short while, as there was a few people ahead of us. Eventually we are attended to by a man, who speaks good English, and Bob explains to him what has happened, and shows the damaged window. We explain that it is a French leased car, and the Eurodrive company have the insurance on the car. Long story short, he makes a phone call to the number that Bob has been given, so he can get a claim number. He gives them a price, and then he has to wait for a return call to confirm that they agree with the price, so he can order the part. He asks us to wait, for a while and we do so. He needs to hear back from the Insurance people before 12.30 and needless to say, the call never came through, and we suggested that we go, and he can call us when he hears word.
We didn't hear from the dealer.
Bob starts to look online for a replacement CPAP machine.
But first we have to get the correct delivery address, so our host is contacted, and he suggests that we put his mother in laws address down as they are home most of the day.
Tuesday, 26th November 2019
No word or phone call from the car dealer, and if we don't hear back soon, time will be running out of time. When we get the go ahead from the insurance, so long as it is before 12.30, the part will be here the next day. So Thursday is the last day as we leave on Saturday.
Bob is busy looking online at what CPAP machine to buy to replace the one that was stolen. This is going to be a bit of a mission, because yet again time is running out, and delivery of the machine would have to be pretty quick if it is to come here. Plus it is essential for him to get a decent sleep. So research is a must, and the machine he had has been superceeded. The other thing is that in Spain you just can't buy one, like in Australia, you have to have a medical reason. So Bob makes a couple of phone calls and eventually gets an english speaking sales person who was very helpful, and offers a couple of solutions.
So after much tooing and froing, and making sure it will deliver on time, which incedently seems to ve very good, an order is place. Bob is told that if the order is recieved before 3pm, he will have it the next day.
Wednesday, 27th November 2019, so fingers crossed.
Today we decide to go to Cartagena,
Cartagena is a drive of about a two hour drive or 210 kms. It has a population of 213 943, and was founded in 227BC. It has a major naval station, and a few historic landmarks. We continue on to a intriguing strip of land that stretches out from Cartagena, that has taken Bobs interest. La Manga is a town on this strip, which has beaches and at this time of the year, not many people around. It is a long straight stretch, with what appears to be many holiday places and high rise buildings all closed up. We go for some distance, and nothing grabs our attention, so we turn around and head back, finding something to eat on the way. The place we stopped at was a quiet little bar, of which the barman spoke no english, but we are getting used to this. But the menu does have English sub text underneath the Spanish menu. Our food comes was was very very nice, then we depart and head back to Gata de Gorgos.
Here on the roads, you can choose to use the toll road, which gives you double lanes, and the speed is 120kms, or you can take the untolled road, which runs parrallel to the toll, but is only single lane and speed is set at 90kms. On the way to Cartagena, we used the toll road, and on the way back we travelled the other road, which had a fair amount of traffic on it. And at times the other road, used the toll road, and then deviated off when the tolls are coming up.
We get home, and then get a message, from our host, to say the parcel has arrived, and he will be over shortly to deliver it to us. So that plan worked out very well.
Thursday, 28th November 2019
We took a drive to look at a couple of ceramic shops that are just outside Gata de Gorgos. What an inspirational shop the first one was that we stopped at. It was certainly a lot larger on the inside that it appeared to be from the outside. There was all manner of ceramics and outdoor furniture settings. One could spend a heck of a lot of money in this shop. As it was, I did spend some money on a couple of gifts, and mementos. So after this shop we did not stop at another, but we did continue to drive and check out the town where the car is going to be repaired. It was not exactly where Bob thought it was.
We go into Gata de Gorgos, and have a bite to eat, and I go to the Wicker shops that are in the street. Looking for some gifts to send home for Christmas, and I find a couple of things, but not exactly what I am looking for. But I will have to make do for the moment, as time is passing and if I don't get parcels in the post in the next week, I don't think they will arrive in time for Christmas.
We get an email from the Insurance to say the part has been ordered and can we take the car into be repaired tomorrow.
Bob is trying to set his sleep machine to the correct settings and it is a trail and error thing, and him getting used to it. But it is better than him not having one.
Friday, 29th November 2019
Today we got the car window repaired.
Bob takes the car into the dealer, and I stay back at the house, and start packing up things and do a bit of tidying. The car is booked in for 10.30 and we know it will be finished by 12.30, as that is when the dealership closes for their siesta, and reopens again at 3.30.
When Bob comes back from getting the car done, a couple of hours later, we go into Gata de Gorgos to look at a house. Just something to exercise Bobs mind. It is something of a fixer upper.
We go back to the house, and chill for a while, and have planned to go into the shopping centre at Ondara and have dinner at Fosters Hollywood, being that it is our last night here.
We have our dinner, and then into the shopping center. It is somewhat busy, more busier than we have seen at least. We then head back and finish for the day.
Saturday, 30th November 2019
We left Gata de Gorgos at around 8.30, headed for Segovia. This is a distance of 540kms, or roughly 5 hrs. But given the way we travel we know it will take a little longer. The country side changes quite dramatically, going from rocky mountains to rolling hills and undulating country. The orange trees are gone, and replaced with grape vines again, for part of the trip, and other parts we see livestock again.
Now to get to Segovia, we have to what we figured was go around Madrid, and I am doing the driving this time, as Bob has been doing a large percentage of the driving in the past month. Our figuring was wrong. I had to drive right through the centre of Madrid on a saturday afternoon. There were so many people, but Madrid has a population of over 6 million people, so I guess no matter where you go there is always going to be lots of people.
We get to Segovia, and are early than anticipated, as we have arranged to meet our next host at 5pm. So we fill in some time in Segovia, and find the Roman Aquaduct. This peice of historical remains, was built well over 2000 years ago, and the town has been built around it. We will be coming back to this area to explore futher.
At a time closer to our meeting time, we head off to find our next lodgings for the next week. This is found with not to much hassles, although our GPS,( Karen ) tries to take us down a no entry street. Our host is on the street waiting for us, just as it starts to shower lightly. Pepe, takes us in and shows us around our dwellings, and it is very very nice and warm. We are now entering into our cooler times here, and looking at the weather temps in the next few days, heating will be very important.
Sunday, 1st December 2019
It is cool outside this morning, 4 degrees, but inside the unit, is very comfortable. Bob is getting used to his machine, and this is a good thing.
We stay inside for the morning, and besides the cricket is on, and this is an important event, as the Australian team need Bob's assistance. After the cricket is done, and after some research online for a new camera, we take a trip into Madrid. It has started to rain mid morning here, and is still raining when we decide to go into Madrid. Madrid is a 93 km drive, or an hour and 15 mins from Segovia. When we get into the car, the temp on the dash says that it is 5 degress, and this is at 2pm.
When we get into Madrid we are hunting for FNAC, because they seem to have the better deal on the camera that Bob wishes to replace the one that was stolen. Again, there are lots of people, most with umbrella's as it is raining here too. We find a car parking station, and brace ourselves for the cool and wet conditions that are outside. This weather is not something that we are used to, and we have been very lucky with weather conditions since we have been away. I am rugged up with my thick coat and scarf. Fortunately we do have an umbrella in the car, and the other two we have are back in the unit. We find another place that sells electrical gear, and cameras, so Bob gets an idea of what is available in store. So now we are still looking for FNAC, and we do find them. This store is a five floor place, that sells all manner of electronic products, books, Dvds and music, and cultural things. Bob heads to the photographic section, and I look about the same area, after a comfort stop.
After some time and questions, a camera is decided upon, and it is purchased. Most of the items that were taken are now replaced, and what is not, we will do without.
When we go outside, it is still raining, and it is a novelity to see so many umbrellas being used. The street was just a stream of moving umbrellas. We make our way towards the car park, detouring at a cafe, to have a cuppa and something for dinner. We were going to do a bit of grocery shopping, but given the weather, and the already purchased goods, this idea was canned, and we will do it tomorrow, in the local area.
We make our way back to where we are staying, amid the traffic and rain, and see snow ploughs on the back of a couple of trucks, so it must snow somewhere in the region. Back to the unit, and it is back to 5 degrees, with tomorrow being a tad colder.
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